วันอังคารที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Why isn't there a greater amount of women watch football games?

I can't understand why my women give men such a hard time about watching their favorite sports... Nag Nag Nag is all women do.

Okay, for one not all women hate football, sure more men watch football than women. But really, women don't want to see a whole bunch of guys get in a fight and chase after a ball. And sure some females will disagree with me, that's fine to each their own opinion. But me being female (excuse my name lol) I don't enjoy watching them. I find it confusing and sure they might be hot but they're all covered up with padding and most of them are huge and have a few teeth knocked out or something. So, maybe women nag men about watching their favourite sports because men nag women about watching their soaps or whatever they watch. And it seems to be football/hockey is more important in most households than soaps, or shows that women watch. Want to explain that?

i don't understand I think it is hot to see a bunch of men all over the fiend and each other and in the rain that is very hot to ..

So they can go shopping.

Each to their own.

You deserve it.

Football is for the ignorant.

Go read a book and meet some real women.

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