Why are so many women who watch Oprah and Dr. Phil unable to get along with others?
I know women at work who watch these shows religiously. However, they are the most gossipy backbiting witches you've ever seen. They turn on each other, then form alliances, then get mad at each other, etc. It's very disruptive.
LOL...I love this question. My brother in law hates Oprah for this reason. I think these women believe that Oprah inpowers them. Like they have to be overly opinionated. Funny thing is while they think they are being like Oprah they are being the total opposite of everything she stands for. I don't know about all that Dr. Phil stuff. I have never been able to stand to watch his show.
Where do you get your information, other than from the women you know at work? I know plenty of people who watch both of those shows and they don't act the way that you describe.
I would be more interested in your question if you had some statistical data to demonstrate your point.
People are who they are, regardless of the T.V. shows that they watch.
when we watch those shows we do not look at it as our dail lives. and it is how us women are. How you not come to realize this yet? If you do not like what they are doing tell them about it.
Its not that watching those shows makes you behave that way, its that people who behave that way are very interested in those shows. Their behavior came first, the show and the way the people on those shows behave is appealing to them, so they watch. Of course, the shows reinforce the behavior, but the shows did not create it.
Its the person not the show hosts. You are harboring some feelings because someone did you wrong? If you are over them and the situation, then move on, there are some nice women out here, don't think people are the same, we are not. Now you may think the behavior is the same, but actually people handle things differently and I think you shouldn't categorize people as gossipy or back stabbing witches, yes there are some, but ignore them and let them know you don't want no parts of the nonsense. Your actions can cause a positive reaction by frowning on the nonsense, you are right its disruptive and usually things have a way of catching up to people, usually they cancel each other. Everybody dude is not the same, you probaly just are surrounding by a group of idiots.
Most people who are already screwed up in the head are always looking for answers to solve their own problems. Watching Oprah and Dr. Phil are two different things. Oprah is more of a gossip-based program that gives information to gossipy-type women to pass along. It also offers some "self-help" advice that some women tend to believe (since Oprah has her OK on it) has to be correct. Even though this self-help advise doesn't work for them personally, they'll deny cuz "Oprah says so". Dr. Phil has a lot of dysfunctional guests with jacked-up problems - it makes women like this feel better about their own messed-up selves and their also able to apply their "oprah skills" to fix these guests problems. Misery loves company!
i agree with you
LOL. I KNOW!! I think most Americans need to turn of their d@#* television sets, and start spending time with their kids and spouses - they might find out that real life is not like TV and learn how real relationships work by actually participating in life, not watching someone else's.
Most likely because they feel the need of change in their relationship with their husbands, Family . There are a lot of men who don't have FAMILY VALUES in mind .You can say they have False HOPE it will change. For the love of family unit.....But with out the man willing to try it is a lost battle.
So they move on.
I thought all women were like that.
I really think it's the way we were brought up. Most women are taught to be competitive with each other. Men learn to work together as a team and women usually don't. There are some who play softball or basketball but it isn't the general rule. At work women form cliques -- groups that have something in common. When there is gossip going on, there's usually a single instigator and it spreads from there. I've seen it in most every place I've worked. Personally, i don't play that game anymore -- it's too destructive. A good supervisor or manager wouldn't tolerate it.
Maybe because they are fat, lazy, resentful, bon-bon eating couch potatoes.........
They are the very ones that are attracted to such shows. Maybe they're trying to learn something.
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