Is is shallow to say that women watch wrestling to see all the sexy men??
I love wrestling, particulary RAW, I find it very entertaining...I've been a fan for years...I LOVE JEFF HARDY ESPECIALLY... but a lot of people think that us women watch it to see all the muscular sexy sweaty beautiful men lol.... Hence, Batista, Jeff...
Hey wrestling is the best sport I have watched in my life and I love it when women watch wrestling because its just so cool! lol Theres something cool you can actually talk about you know?
whether its for the wrestling or the hot sweaty sexy bodies...If you like it I encourage you to watch it! Im a guy but I watch wrestling both for the actual wrestling and to see the divas do their thing...its just a wonderful show/sport!
have a nice day =)
We have some good knowledgeable female users in this section (Misshildy, Rated R Diva, Curious Girl, Viva La Edge, to name a few). Problem is they are far outnumbered by the "shallow" ones who prattle on about how "hawt" their favorite is. The same is true for the male users here. The good knowledgeable ones are outnumbered by the marks who cheer for the heels because they think it's "cool" and the parrots who spout off what they think are clever nicknames (the wrestler's name plus the letters "r-o-i-d") for the faces.
There are a lot of them (male and female) and they do tend to make the good users look bad by being in the same forum. By the same token, those of us who actually are knowledgeable about wrestling and discuss wrestling intelligently appear even more knowledgeable and intelligent.
Nah ~ my g/f watches the wrestling bcz she's a fan.Irrespective of whether the male star is hot or like BDV !
If they put on a good technical match or entertain her or just make her laugh, she'll watch it.She's been a fan of WWE since she was about 10.
The problem is all the females who always answer "cuz he hot" or I can't wait for Cena to take his shirt off....
And guys we do it too.."which diva is the hottest"
My answer Wreslter or Diva who gives a damn about how they look....CAN THEY WRESTLE?...that should be the question
Watching wrestling for the sexy guys isn't the only reason,
The storylines and heat between people entertain me.
Most of the matches have become boring so I know I don't watch it for that, haha.
I watch it because i am a fan. I love the excitement and there is nothing like going to the shows live.
It's not the Cena fans fault.
.this goes way back to the 80's ..i'm 20 but i watch old wrestling all the time. people arn't only starting to be drooling over the men.
It's human nature to love the guys. yes now-a-days they are more gorgeous then ever but im a female and i love wrestling for everything it has. i've been watching since i was 3 or 4 and i watch for every reason you can name. i won't lie i do love the men lol but if you were only watching for the hot guys i don't think that would last long. you would find another show or just not care anymore. girls don't go to events just to see the hot men..ok i've seen teen girls do that but its a phase and they will stop watching or they will get mature and find otehr things to love about it.
As a female, I would like to say no.
I watched wrestling for entertainment, and yes, for years. Seeing sexy men is the last thing on my mind.
But I agree. Jeff is hot... Spicy... And sexy. But (no offense meant) I don't think he's seductive enough.
I watch wrestling because I find it entertaining.I love to watch the actual wrestling itself.Yes,I think some of the wrestlers are sexy,but that certainly isn't the only reason I watch it.
Yes, to tell you the truth.
It is the same for all sports. I hear it all the time from females who watch football and only cheer for someone like Tom Brady because he's cute in their eyes. Instead of looking at his skill, they just take him as attractive and make themselves look like shallow fans.
In my opinion, it is shallow. It's the same for guys who only cheer for divas because they're "hot" and not because they are good wrestlers.
yes.. i think some of them are decent looking.. especially john cena.. but i think its funny to watch them get hurt
Well you can blame all the Cena fans for that one. A lot of them just so happen to be women AND they think he's the best, which we know he's not.
It's entertainment, and the clothes and oiled bodies and outfits are part of the entertainment. Who would watch a Homer Simpson look-a-like wrestle? You might once, just to laugh, but it's much more fun watching good-looking people. Of course it's shallow...but who cares? It's entertainment, it doesn't have to be deep.
Is ok,
we men see eye candy
you women can see men sausage! LOL
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