Who are interested to watch women's world cup?
Nobody watches that worldcup.But,just for the hard working women players deserve our respect.Who would you call as legendary women cricketer?
They do deserve respect, but to be honest, womens cricket is possibly one of the most boring sports to watch.
Rachel Heyhoe-Flint is a legend of the women's game!
I'm a bird but played in the men's uni team coz my bowling is fast and swings. I also play in a women's team now coz I'm getting older and can't be arsed with the sex banter!! I think in general the women's game is fun to play but boring to watch. Maybe if we got to know the personalities we would be more interested in watching their highs and lows.
only final
I would although i am not a woman I think they re pretty good. Jhulan Goswami plays well also Anjum Chopra.
I would be if they changed the dress code
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