วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do women use mens shoes and watch to evaluate them?

A female friend of mine said "I often pay attention to the guys shoes and his watch when going on dates." Is this something that women do or is she just evaluating to much? If you do look at shoes and watch, what are you looking at about the shoe and watch?

They're looking at how expensive your watch is, because that is usually a sign of how much money you make and how much they'll be able to freeload off of you. Sorry to be cynical by I saw this episode of Dr. Phil (who should be slapped out of his self righteousness) about self proclaimed gold diggers who say that this is exactly what they do when they want a rich guy.

simple...if ur wearing shoes ur smart. if ur wearing slippers uve got a dont care attitude. and if u hv an expensive watch then ur cool if not ur not cool

thts just what i know they think. but seriously all that doenst matter to me and shouldnt matter to anyone.

the heart matters.

Yes i do and most women i know do with any class anyway.Because if a man is distinkt and careful about the shoes and watch he buys and the way they look name brand ect. He's pretty much decent and has good high standerds ,clean and so on .

Neither are things that I use to evaluate a guy. I tend to go more with the guys hair and jeans. But to each their own.

1] make sure he is not wearing white socks with black shoes [ or black socks with white shoes ]

2] shoes are well cared for - clean, or polished, and TIED!

3] shoes are appropriate for outfit.

4] expensive?

5] watch shows a sense of responsiblity

6] good looking watch - more impressive than say a swatch

7] some will look for expensive watches, as an indicator of

wealth. [ I can't tell the difference unless I am right next to the watch, so I never did this ].

วันเสาร์ที่ 12 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Did anyone watch women's gymnastics in the Olympics last night?

Do you think the judges are biased against the US? Are they showing favoritism to China? It was clear to me, after watching last night.

Absolutely! Shawn had a "balance check" but not anywhere near the amount the chinese girl did on the beam and got a lower score, WTF? I am just glad that they took silver and gold.

There is no bias!!!! I think people need to understand the scoring system before making these harsh accusations. The chinese routines generally always involve more difficult routines and thus, the more difficult the routine the higher your score starts out and the more mistakes you can make. This is simply how the scoring system works. So, just because you saw a chinese girl committing more mistakes than an american girl does not mean that the chinese girl automatically should get a lower score. If the chinese girl has a more difficult routine than the american girl, which is almost always the case, the chinese girl will likely get the higher score.

As far as the judges go, the judges are not all chinese!!! Only one of the judges is chinese, another is american, and the rest are from other countries who do not have participants in the olympics. Just to play devil's advocate, it might be possible due to the perception of US policy throughout the world (which isn't favorable for the most part) that some judges may dislike the US, but that is a far-fetched accusation.

China do not need favoritism from the judges. If they won, it was because they performed well and if they lost, they accepted that they have not done their best. Chinese have "sportsmanship" in them. Chinese are not so losers like westerners. When the US lost the team gold , they claimed that China had cheated but when the Chinese lost to the US, did they say anything, no. In fact the Chinese congratulated the US team.

I saw it last night. It was so awesome. I was moved to tears when Nastia took the gold and Shawn took the silver. They were great last night. I feel that the judges may be showing favoritism to China because the Olympics are being held in China. Some of the performances by China were scored too high and then some of the performances by other countries were scored too low. Go USA.

Clearly biased, but we still won despite the judges' best efforts to hand the gold to the Chinese. Both Johnson and Liukin repeatedly got screwed in the scoring, especially Liukin's vault and bars scores. The Chinese girls got far more generous favorable scores, but still couldn't win. The margin of victory should have been much greater.

Stop accusing the Chinese for whatever reasons...

of course the judges are going to favor the Chinese, it's called the home ground advantage. But the Americans won, so what else do you have to complain

...and the Chinese girls are not underage, just becuase you look older than your actual age, it doesn't mean the Chinese are cheating

Im starting to believe the americans are whining because they are jealous of the Chinese with their younger looking...

The judges are from all different countries which have no participant in that event. Why be biased when they have no prize for what they do.

The American lost the gold because of a bad fall.

Well it wouldn't be a surprise, since that's their country. Chinese gymnastics are better than the Americans, since they have dedicated their whole life in practicing every routine!

i dont think so that the judges are biased and neither they are showing favoritism to chaina

they're so biased, but the americans won anyway :)


China only got the bronze.

A little, I think one of Nastia's scores was very unfair and she deserved a lot more then she got

I don't think so. China was better than US. They made less mistakes & simply they were perfect. But still silver is great.

What is a good movie that is safe for women to watch?

I think a movie that has a lot of cute animals is good. Do you know any that is not too scary for the fairer gender perhaps rated G?

"...not too scary for the fairer gender...?" Aren't you making some gross generalizations here?

Are you sitting in a Delorean by any chance?

This is always fun. But, men cover their eyes and run away squealing:


Rumor has it the scream in this video is an actual recording of a woman in labor. : )


Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

"Baise-moi" is a super film for any woman!

I am told that women appreciate movies which include

1. two or more female characters

2. talking to each other

3. about something other than a man.

And that struck me as a perfectly understandable preference.


Someone quoted my answer here disapprovingly in answering another question. For the record, I am not claiming that this represents the views of all women or even of all feminists, just that I had been told this... by more than one woman, self-described feminists, quoting a feminist author.

I would never presume to say what all women like.

A good movie for a woman to watch is any one she chooses.

Why? You sound a tad chauvinistic.


Not The Ring.. when I went to see that.. in the scene where you see the first dead person some chick up the front just burst into tears and had to be half carried out of the cinema by her boyfriend.

True story.

In my experience chicks like the movie 'The Princess Bride'. But they get a bit scared in the bit where he goes into the swamp.. also any of the swordfighting scenes.. oh and the bit where he's climbing up the cliff.. I think that's it.

Shadow Dweller: I cried when Bambi's mom died. And now you've just brought it all back. Thanks a lot.

Is it possible for you to be a nicer human being??? Or is it impossible for you to actually think about how people are going to react to this statement? I don't care for your tone at all; if you want to generalize please be my guest but never underestimate what we are worth.

Are you going to hang out with the under 15 crowd? If not, I would say any movie you want to see should be ok for any woman you want to spend time with. If it's not, you should probably think twice about spending time with her...

(In terms of animal movies, I think Milo&Otis is awfully cute. My neices love it.)

a good movie, lessee, you can borrow some of mine!

I have Kill Bill 1 and 2, Pulp Fiction, Hostel, both Resident Evils, Serenity, Old Boy, Sympathy for Lady Vengance(which is a great film by the way, fingers getting removed, a guy being stabbed in the neck with scissors, it goes on), Audition, and I also enjoyed Baise Moi.

Huh, thats funny, not a single one of those is rated less than R. The Korean ones are actually rated NC 17 and the French one is rated X. Funny how that works out. Oh there are some cute animals though! The Dogs and the crawlers in Resident Evil, Old Boy has the main character eat a live squid, and theres a puppy in Sympathy for Lady Vengance. The main woman uses it for target practice.

Hey Jason baby,

Yes some movies without bossy women is good for you. Add me and keep in touch. By the way Vicky is very much in love with you. Did you know so?


i prefer gory zombie movies myself...in fact id like to be a gory zombie in a zombie movie...youd be my first victim.

but id leave the cute animals alone.

Jackal cried when Bambi's mom died. He just wont admit coz he likes to pretend to be a manly man. its ok jackal...no one here will call you a wuss...ill beat them up for you.

EDIT: I cried too Happy...i was a little girl after all.

oh and sword fighting in the princess bride? honey i collect swords...love them. dont fight with them though..pure display. but would use one to protect myself.....i wonder what it feels like to run someone through.....hmm..well ill probabaly never know.

What the...? Ew I hate movies like that!!!!

Really depends on personality. There is no one movie perfect for everyone of a set gender. For example... one of my friends likes "Raise Your Voice" and basically anything with Hillary Duff. I like "Pans Labyrinth", "The Ring" and "V for Vendetta". Last time I checked none of those were rated G.

The wedding Daze is good. It is a story of parent that married off their 3 daughter in a triple wedding. It is story of love, sacrifice, joy, fulfillment, true love and unexpected reward and ending. It is not only funny but very emotional movie. I just watch it and my wife, my daughters, and I enjoy it thoroughly

Milo and Otis. I think even you could follow the plot.

This is nuts.......and most likely a "wind-up" but I'll take the bait.

Unless you're going out with Mother Teresa or a moron, I'm sure a reasonable movie that has a plot and a good story will do.

My favourite movies are:


Joe Dirt

The Final Countdown


The Alien Series

Star Trek the series and the films

Jaws I and II

The Silence of the Lambs

if you take a girl to see a scary movie she might be all over you.

My gf loves Reservoir Dogs and Goodfellas! You should have a movie night with these......

Pet Semetary. I hear there's cute animals in that one.

Oh, no, it's YOU again.

Here's a tip: Pan's Labyrinth was sufficiently scary, but I and one of my girlfriends saw it, and we're both still perfectly healthy.

As a video industry veteran for over 25 years I suggest THE NOTEBOOK. Excellent movie, and it will bring tears to both of you. There are some pretty hot make out scenes, though if that bothers you. It is available only on DVD, less than $13 at Wal-Mart.

Choice number two would be HAIRSPRAY. Fun and lots of singing. Definitely a feel good movie. I laughed a lot, and it is still in some theaters.

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