วันจันทร์ที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How many of you women watch the Deliver Pregnancy T.V show, since you've been pregnant?

I watch it,like all the time,its a great show to watch to help you understand what the women & doctors go through! It always make me cry also,because its so special to see those baby's being delivered! I just can't wait for my lil man!

22 weeks,due August 15th

I watch those shows ALL the time! I love them!

I have watched one episode of Deliver Me and a couple other odds and ends shows about childbirth and delivery. Sometimes they're great, but sometimes I have to try to pull myself away from the TV when the babies are sick, because then I start worrying about my own baby...but I am never successful in tearing myself away from the show! My poor husband, though...he doesn't like medical shows a whole lot and I make him watch these shows all the time!

The most interesting thing, I think, is that you watch these women in obvious pain and agony during labor and childbirth, and I'm STILL NOT SCARED of it when the time comes for my baby to be born. I worry a little about baby being sick, but am just totally excited to give birth. Go figure! I think hubby is more nervous to see me in pain than I am to BE in pain!

I've watched these shows even before I got pregnant, I love them.

My husband always says to me now - how do you watch theses don't they scare you? lol (mainly due to all the hootin' and hollerin') But I actually feel better even learning some of the things that could go wrong, etc. If it happened to me, I feel I would have a better understanding having heard abou tit prior to the condition.

I couldn't watch them am already worrying about it hurting and think it would make me worry even more! plus how do you cope watching if any on the babies are ill and need to be rushed off even after a healthy pregnancy? I think watching that programme would just stress me out!!!

20 weeks, due sept 7th

i used to watch the special deliveries... and bringing home baby when i was at home before i had my son.. and continued to watch it after he was born... (kinda makes me want another baby now! but im going to wait atleast til my son is a year or so). but its an amazing show.

im not pregnant i havent been for almost 2 years in june but when i was pregnant i would watch them every single day i think it is neet how it works and it made me cry time or two and being pregnant is very exciting i cant have no more

i use to watch the allll the time when i was pregnant,and even before i was lol

they did help me with some things,but it also scared me a lot to,and my labor and dilevry was nothing like those lol

i watch the derlivery channal all the time it will help me get over the fact that i know it will hurt but will alarm u on what u need to do in so many diffrent ways

I would be shocked if someone actually said no! Us pregnant women are so obsessed with our little babies!!!! I enjoy these shows as well. The only problem is, it makes me more anxious!!! Good luck & Congrats to you!!!!

I watch all those kinds of shows, it also makes me cry but then scares me a little bit, i love watching little miracles happen

Even before I was pregnant with my son I was always watching those shows. They are addicting!!

i was always to scared to wach babies being born on the t.v but when i gave birth my self it wasnt so bad...........i guess i was just stressing over nothink. good luck with your pregnancy

i watch it...scares the hell outta me!

at what time?> channel and dates?

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